Prostate Health And Gastrointestinal Tract Problems: A Direct Link Established

Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are chronic inflammatory bowel disorders (acronym IBD, from Inflammatory bowel disease) that seem to predispose to a greater risk of developing colon cancer – but also hematologic malignancies and lung cancers, bladder skin and liver). However, few studies have investigated the relationship between chronic intestinal diseases and prostate cancer, with contradictory results. A new study on this problem was published in the scientific journal European Urology. Let’s try to understand together what it is.

This is a retrospective study that took into consideration 1033 male patients with IBD and 9306 control cases (without IBD) who turned from 1996 to 2017 to any clinic in the Northwestern University (Illinois) group, to undergo the dosage of prostate specific antigen (PSA), an enzyme produced by the prostate, usually present in the circulation in low quantities and which increases in cases of prostate infections, benign prostatic hypertrophy and prostate cancer.

In the study, there was a 4 to more than 5 times higher risk of developing any type of prostate cancer for individuals with IBD than for those not affected. This risk varies in relation to the age group and the ethnic group, and the age range with the highest risk (greater than 8 times) is over 70 years. Furthermore, the risk of developing more aggressive prostate cancer is greater for people with IBD in the age group where it is recommended to undergo screening for this condition (over 50 years). Regarding the value of PSA, a tendency to increase its value has been observed in patients with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.

However, the results of the study need confirmation since two other recent analyzes have highlighted the association between ulcerative colitis and the development of prostate cancer, but not that between Crohn’s disease and cancer itself.

Furthermore, a previous meta-analysis, which brought together more than 12,000 patients, did not observe an increase in the incidence of prostate cancer among IBD patients. All these studies, including that of Northwestern University, as the authors themselves state, suffer from some limitations, therefore there is still no certainty of a link between inflammatory bowel diseases and prostate cancer and further research will be needed to ascertain the evidences gathered so far.

prostatecancer risk group

In conclusion, it is known that in the general population the risk of developing prostate cancer increases with age, but the Northwestern University study shows that the risk is greater in the population affected by Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis and that already at starting at age 50 also increases the risk of developing the most aggressive forms of this cancer. According to the authors of the study, therefore, a regular specific medical check would be desirable, especially if their result is confirmed by future investigations.

Presence Of Blood In The Sperm: Causes And Therapies Of Hematospermia

Hematospermia (also called emospermia) is a pseudo-pathological condition characterized by the presence of blood in the sperm, which occurred during or immediately after ejaculation, often painful. Most affected patients describe the problem complaining of blotches or streaks of bright red blood inside the seminal fluid; some subjects affirm that the spots also appear with a black color, comparing them to the shades of coffee that gives the sperm brownish color.

Although representing a highly alarming clinical sign for the affected patient, in the vast majority of cases, the blood in the sperm, clinically, does not raise particular concerns: hematospermia is in fact considered a benign and self-limited condition in most cases. However, given that in some cases it can be a sign of pathologies that can be very serious, the opinion of the doctor is fundamental, in order to exclude any hidden pathologies and to clear up any doubts.

Incidence of hematospermia

Many are the patients who, at least once in their lifetime, have observed traces of blood in the sperm: more often than not, the target of the apparently pathological condition is young people, especially those with a sexually active and promiscuous life. By contrast, other sources report that even prolonged sexual abstinence may represent a risk factor for hematospermia.

Only rarely, adults and the elderly complain of episodes of hematospermia linked to an intensity and a certain frequency of sexual intercourse: in similar situations, often, the cause of the blood in the sperm resides in more serious problems, which will be examined in the next paragraph. Clearly, the occasional nature of the condition should not worry too much; when instead hematospermia becomes a frequent phenomenon, medical examination is absolutely inevitable. It is observed that hematospermia is a recurrent situation in about 2% of urological problems.

What causes hematospermia?

It is important to distinguish two large classes of hematospermia:

  • blood in sperm from non-pathological causes;
  • blood in sperm secondary to pathologies.

To investigate the causes that can cause hematospermia, an important topic because it will allow you to fully understand its possible treatments, I suggest you read this article: Pathological and non pathological causes of hematospermia

Based on the clinical characteristics of the blood in the sperm, it is appropriate to carry out a precise classification: in this regard, it is possible to distinguish the purely bright red blood, from the darker blood (brown or black) inside the seminal fluid.

In most of the subjects diagnosed, the blood in the sperm shows a bright red color: when the condition occurs frequently, it is very likely that inflammation of the urethra, prostate or seminal vesicles is taking place. This is explained by the rupture – or at least from microlesions of the blood vessels – that occurred during ejaculation: in fact, the inevitable contractions of the smooth muscles generated by the ejaculatory act subject the capillary walls, already injured previously, to an excessive effort, which is translates into spilled blood mixed with sperm.

When hematospermia becomes a particularly recurrent problem, the blood emitted along with the sperm, during ejaculation, tends to become darker, varying shades from brown to black. In almost all cases, patients complaining of episodes of brown blood in the sperm have previously witnessed the release of bright red blood in semen. Brown or black blood is the consequence of of blood residues accumulated previously in the prostate or in the seminal bladder: due to oxidative processes, the blood color varies from bright red to burgundy – brown.

Medical Robotics – the Application of Robots in Medicine

The future has already come to healthcare and it goes on developing. A robot in the operation-room is already not surprising in many hospitals. The use of these extremely accurate machines makes it possible to minimize the risks for a doctor to make a mistake and for a patient to come through the operation with complications.

Robots became not only a part of the operational equipment, but they are also widely used in distant diagnostics, rehabilitation, and taking care of the patients staying in hospitals.

Surgical robots

One of the best examples of robotics application in medicine is surgical robots. Thanks to these machines, surgeons can perform the manipulations with extreme accuracy. Such robots are commonly used in laparoscopic and minimally invasive operations, which give the possibility to make the patient’s postoperative period much easier and reduce the time for complete recovery.

Rehabilitation robots

Numerous researches on using robots for the rehabilitation of physically disabled people give hope for hundreds of thousands of people who have overlived strokes, got serious injuries in car accidents or got traumatized in some other situation and lost their ability to move.


Bionic extremities, for example, have already been successfully used in people who needed a prosthesis. Due to such technologies, they’ve got the possibility not only to eliminate an aesthetic defect but also get a comparatively functional hand or leg.

Another recent development of robotics in healthcare is an exoskeleton. Using the signals sent from the brain, it can help people who have been paralyzed or move with the help of wheelchairs to sit, stand, and even walk. Even though this technology is still being developed and is not yet available for everyone who needs it, the scientists are on the right track.

Robotics in the healthcare is progressing day by day and, who knows, maybe tomorrow we’ll be able to witness an invention of a new robot that will change our usual understanding of medicine.

New Research: Magnetic Field will Help to Cope with Pain

Pain in any of its manifestations may do much harm to the sufferers. It interferes with the usual way of life, affects people’s physical and even mental condition. That’s why the researches on the ways of reducing this condition are being held for many years.

Some scientist question the effectiveness of the magnetic field for pain reduction. However, recent studies conducted by the bioengineers of the University of California, Los Angeles have proven that magnetic field has a significant impact on diminishing the pain sensations, especially in people suffering from chronic musculoskeletal system diseases.

They developed a special magnetic gel based on hyaluronic acid. Due to its structure, this material can help to transit and strengthen the signals from the magnetic field to the neurons. Such an impact slows down the speed of transferring pain signals from the peripheral nervous system to the brain. Thanks to this, the level of pain a person feels gets significantly lower.

What health problems may be solved with magnets?

It is considered that magnetic field:

  • Speeds up the regeneration processes within the cells;
  • Improves metabolism;
  • Helps to diminish pain in individuals who have arthritis thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties.


The magnetic field is applied in the treatment of patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, chronic abdominal pain, and fibromyalgia. Even though the use of the magnetic field cannot cure the pain completely, it can reduce the need for taking pain relievers, which is also good for the human body.

Of course, this issue still needs to be studied but as they say “A good beginning makes a good ending”. So, hopefully, in the nearest future people will be able to get rid of chronic pain without using any drugs.

A blood test to help diagnose depression

A number of successful experiments claim that an ordinary blood test can be the ground for diagnosing depression. How is it possible: depression is not a physical but first of all a mental problem? The scientists believe that the levels of a special amino acid called acetyl-L-carnitine can show whether a person is depressed and how severe the disease is.

Nevertheless, a small number of studies doesn’t give grounds to confirm this statement for a hundred percent. Further delving into the issue can give more answers, yet the beginning is rather promising.

What is acetyl-L-carnitine?

Being a naturally secreted amino acid, acetyl-L-carnitine is present in each of us. This chemical is responsible for supporting a good metabolism in the human body. It has long been used as a dietary supplement to improve the brain and nerve function. It is also applied in the therapy of memory loss and nerve tissue restoration.

How can acetyl-L-carnitine levels prove depression?

In the studies performed on this matter, the amounts of acetyl-L-carnitine in the blood have been measured in people dealing with depression. The received results of the blood tests were compared with the quantities of this amino acid in mentally healthy people. The comparative analysis showed that individuals suffering from depression had significantly lower acetyl-L-carnitine levels than their healthy counterparts.

In addition, it has been noticed that the severity of depression could also be traced with the amounts of this amino acid. The severer the disease is – the lower the levels of acetyl-L-carnitine are.

Other ways of determining emotional issues with a blood test


Low mood and mood swings, which are characteristic of depression may also be the signs of some underlying health issues that may show through such a condition. For example, a lack of thyroid hormone may lead to poor mental state and make you feel apathetic and depressed.

By doing some blood tests, a doctor may determine whether the core of the issue is in the thyroid gland and then prescribe the needed treatment.

What does cortisol blood test show?

In case you have some worrying symptoms (weight gain concentrating around your face, acne, thin skin, and easy bruising), a blood testing is the only reliable method of finding out the core of the problem. By performing a cortisol blood test, your healthcare provider will be able to detect a number of serious health problems, which may need immediate treatment.

Cortisol. What is it?

Cortisol is a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands. This process is triggered by the production of the adrenocorticotropic hormone in hypophysis (a gland in the human brain). Cortisol is widely known as a stress hormone. Its high quantities are released into the blood flow if a person feels stress. The chemical is also responsible for the fight-or-flight reaction.

This hormone is important for the proper functioning of the:

  • Digestive system;
  • Immunity;
  • Nervous system;
  • Vascular system.

Besides, it is needed to keep the bones strong.

What levels of cortisol are considered to be normal?

The secretion of cortisol in different hours of the day is not the same. In the morning, its levels are the highest and during the day they gradually go down (of course if you are calm). A cortisol blood test is usually done between 6am and 8am.

In the norm, during the mentioned time period its amount should be within 10-20 micrograms per deciliter (mcg/dL).

What does low cortisol mean?

Insufficient amounts of the hormone may mean that you are suffering from one of the following health conditions:


  • Hypopituitarism – a lack of pituitary hormones;
  • Severe liver disease (e.g. cirrhosis, hepatitis);
  • Adrenogenital syndrome – a hereditary metabolic disease, which affects the levels of male hormones in females;
  • Addison’s disease. That’s when your adrenal glands secret not enough of cortisol.

The amount of cortisol in your blood may also be lowered due to the intake of cortisol antagonist medications, for example, ketoconazole, barbiturates, dexamethasone, and some others.

What do high cortisol levels mean?

In case the results of the cortisol blood test have shown an excess of the hormone in the blood, you may need some additional examination procedures. High cortisol may signal about:

  • Tumor process in the brain, which affects pituitary gland;
  • Cushing’s syndrome – a complex of symptoms that evolve on the background of durable exposure to cortisol;
  • Adrenal cancer;
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome.

A New Test Allows Distinguishing Between Benign And Malignant Prostate Neoplasms

A new test based on a simple blood test, devised in the laboratories of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, could be able to diagnose prostate cancer without biopsy. The method was developed thanks to the collaboration between the Irccs Neuroimmunology Unit of the Santa Lucia Foundation and the Department of Urological Sciences of the Policlinico Umberto I of Rome and was applied on 240 samples, demonstrating 100% diagnostic accuracy of specificity (no false positive) and 96% sensitivity.

To date, the dosage of serum PSA, that is the dosage of prostate specific antigen, fails to effectively distinguish between malignant and benign diseases that often coexist in the same patient. Thanks to this new test, it is possible to diagnose the nature of the neoplasm thanks to the possibility of characterizing and quantifying the plasma levels of exosomes that express PSA.

Exosomes are extracellular nanoscale vesicles, released by most of the cells in our body. They are used to transport and exchange different types of molecules between cells, so that they are now considered the main source of disease biomarkers. In the case of prostate cancer they carry a PSA which in many respects is different from the classic soluble PSA present in serum.

Based on the results of the study, published in Cancers, 96 patients out of 100 may not need further diagnostic analysis and with the enlargement of the data base it will be possible, in a fairly short time, to decide when further invasive analyzes are really necessary. Comparing the values ​​of serum PSA with those of EXO-PSA the study was able to demonstrate the high sensitivity and specificity of the test with respect to the inability of serum PSA to distinguish prostate cancer from all other conditions, including hyperplasia benign prostatic.

Diagnosis Of Erectile Dysfunction: What Tests To Do?

The first step for a correct diagnosis of erectile dysfunction is to exclude both metabolic and cardiovascular systemic disorders. It will therefore be obligatory to request, especially for the patient of intermediate age, a cardiological examination with exercise tests and to have routine blood tests performed.

From a more strictly specialized point of view, the diagnosis of erectile dysfunction must take advantage of the study of hormonal dosages, especially in the forms that are accompanied by a decrease in desire and libido. The main hormones to be studied include TSH, free and total testosterone, cortisol, prolactin, beta estradiol, homocysteine.

From a vascular point of view the main tests to be proposed to diagnose erectile dysfunction are:

The Rigiscan test, a nocturnal test that allows for three consecutive nights to measure the erections that physiologically occur during deep sleep, in the REM phase, in the absence of consciousness which, as we know in these cases, can interfere with the erectile response.

Another very valid vascular test is the basal and dynamic echocolordoppler of the corpora cavernosa, in which a substance called prostaglandin, which allows the corpus cavernosum to be artificially dilated, is then injected with a micro-needle, thus allowing the sonographer andrologist to verify the validity of arterial flow and venous outflow. What this test can highlight is a difficulty that the blood has in reaching the corpora cavernosa, therefore in arterial forms, or ease of venous outflow, a framework that is defined as venous leakage.

Once the problem is framed, it is necessary to propose an adequate therapeutic path. In the forms that see a hormonal interference it will therefore be essential to create a correct hormonal balance, sometimes with testosterone replacement therapies such as may be necessary in men in andropause, sometimes normalizing hypothyroidism or hyperprolactinemia, these latter diseases being also of competence of the endocrinologist.

In the forms that see the vascular component as the basis of the problem, the therapies to be proposed for the treatment of erectile dysfunction are numerous, both on the basis of the extent of the problem and also on the patient’s ability to respond. The classic inhibitors of the PDE5i, in commerce since 1998, are the molecules that have clearly changed the therapeutic approach towards the patient suffering from erectile dysfunction and have also open numerous therapeutic windows. These molecules have the ability to inhibit an enzyme that is able to reduce the presence of nitric oxide in the corpora cavernosa with its activity. Nitric oxide is an indispensable molecule for maintaining vasodilation and therefore for erection; by blocking this enzyme, drugs like Viagra create more availability of nitric oxide in the corpora cavernosa.

What Is Ashwagandha And What Is It Used For?

Ashwagandha is one of the most important herbs in Ayurvedic medicine where it has been used for more than 4,000 years. Today we know that the effect is a result of the herb affecting the stress hormone cortisol. In Ayurvedic medicine, ashwagandha is called “the prince of Ayurveda” and is one of the few Ayurvedic herbs that can be given to all constitutions and acts as a “rasayan” – which means that it is generally invigorating, balancing and rejuvenating.

In recent years, interest in ashwagandha has increased greatly, also outside India. This is partly due to the fact that an Indian company has invested in clinically documenting the ancient Ayurvedic uses, mainly to increase the knowledge of ashwagandha outside India.

The studies have also provided new knowledge about how ashwagandha works in the body. The studied extract named KSM-66 is a standardized full spectrum extract that is ten times more concentrated than dried, fresh root. The extraction was done using organic milk and water according to Ayurvedic knowledge.

Here are occasions when ashwagandha helps:

Sex and lust

One of the clearest effects is on the sex hormone testosterone, progesterone and estrogen. Our anabolic, buildup and energy-creating hormones that are in direct contrast to cortisol. Studies on KSM-66 show that the amount of sex hormones is increasing as cortisol production decreases. In addition, ashwagandha activates the production of gonadotropin which increases the formation of LH, a hormone which in turn facilitates the formation of testosterone, progesterone and estrogen. In addition – when the cortisol content is lowered – calmness increases. A prerequisite for sexual potency and desire.

Everyday stress

The absolute main reason for supplementing the diet with ashwagandha is for its ability to increase the resistance to stress and thereby lower the production of the catabolic, degrading hormone cortisol. Studies show that ashwagandha down-regulates the stress axis, which reduces cortisol production by close to 30 percent.


One of the main uses is sleep. The explanation is the effect on GABA, an important signal substance that reduces nerve directions, which makes the brain easier to relax. However, it is not to be confused with sleep-producing substances that make you sleepy. It does not generate GABA, it helps you come to rest which is the basis for you to be able to relax and sleep well.


There is a clear link between overweight and stress, the reason being that cortisol increases blood sugar levels and lowers metabolism. The excess energy is put into fat reserves where it is easily accessible, especially around the stomach and waist. In addition, stress often creates a need for sugary and high fat foods. As the stress decreases, the amount of anabolic, energy-consuming hormones, ie testosterone, progesterone and estrogen, increases, while the production of ATP cell energy increases, resulting in a marked increase in caloric consumption. Clinical studies show that both weight and BMI decrease when consuming the extract.


Several clinical studies show that strength, muscle growth and fitness increase. Several factors contribute to this, including the increase in the production of ATP, the energy used in working cells. In addition, the body’s own production of creatine is stimulated, which further increases the muscle’s working capacity. As the cortisol content decreases, the amount of hemoglobin also increases and the oxygen uptake capacity improves. That the muscles can work harder without taking damage is shown by decreasing levels of creatine kinase, a protein that increases in the blood as the muscles break down. The muscle can recover faster. Both muscle growth and strength increase while improving oxygen uptake.

Thyroid imbalance


TSH, the hormone that stimulates the production of our thyroid hormones T4 and T3, is affected by stress. Just as the adrenal glands that produce cortisol are affected by the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland (HPA axis), so does the thyroid gland. In chronic stress with increased cortisol content, the production of TSH often increases, however, the production of T4 and T3 does not increase to a corresponding degree. Conditions are called subclinical hypothyroidism and often lead to low metabolism and fatigue. Clinical studies have shown that KSM-66 normalizes hormone balance within a few weeks.

Ketogenic Diet: A Simple Introductory Guide For Beginners

It is one of the most discussed diets in recent years, severely discouraged by some, but of proven effectiveness in weight reduction, even by people who had failed to lose weight in any other way. The ketogenic diet is based on the induction of a biochemical state called ketosis in which the body, after having consumed the available sugar, begins to metabolize the stored fats. The principle, in itself, is physiological, but it is not suitable for everyone and cannot be followed as a do-it-yourself regime.

The mechanism itself is simple: our body uses the energy from glycides, such as sugar and carbohydrates, present in the blood, for its daily activities, such as movement, breathing and the preservation of body temperature. To force it to affect the stocks stored in the form of fat, it is necessary to eliminate (or reduce to very small quantities) the amount of glycides coming from the diet. At some point our body realizes that it has “run out of fuel”; some organs and tissues begin to use fatty acids as an energy source: the brain, the nervous system and some muscle fibers, on the other hand, produce ketone bodies, which are obtained by metabolizing lipid stocks. The body thus enters a biochemical state called ketosis, in which in practice the physical uses fats to produce energy, given the shortage of available sugars.

The state of ketosis is not easy to reach and maintain: it is necessary to eliminate all the sources of glucose from the diet, including bread and pasta, sugar, alcohol, potatoes, but also fruit, milk and dairy products, legumes and red / orange vegetables like tomatoes and carrots, usually also allowed in low-calorie regimens. Proteins can be taken freely in the form of meat, fish, eggs: it is often advisable to complete the diet with protein supplements and salts, vitamins and omega 3, given the reduced contribution from the table. It is also essential to drink plenty of water, at least two liters a day.

After a couple of days of ketosis, weight loss begins to occur, rather quickly and consistently. Since the state of ketosis is linked to the level of blood glucose in the blood, it goes without saying that every deviation is paid for with the loss of this complex biochemical balance: just a small fruit, or a drink or a piece of bread is enough to compromise the ketosis and negate all efforts: the physicist will in fact recognize the presence of glucose and will resume using it. For this reason, when the desired weight is reached, it is necessary to reintroduce the normal foods very gradually so as not to recover the pounds in a short time.

The ketogenic diet it is unsuitable for those suffering from kidney diseases and it is necessary, during the diet and in the subsequent maintenance period.

If done correctly and with the use of the appropriate supplements, the diet will simply be protein, and not high protein; even maintaining the weight achieved will be simpler and more durable. On the other hand, the ketogenic diet makes it possible to dispose of a considerable number of kilos in a short time and, if followed correctly, makes it possible to lose weight significantly, reducing only the fat mass, without affecting the lean muscle mass.